Sunday, May 28, 2006

Best and Worst Of

This is the best and worst of blog as told from Frankfurt, Germany on our final night of this adventure. Brian and I are doing this together so here goes:

Best Comedy
Jen screaming "she sold us the 12 o'clock tickets!"

Best "I Call Your Bluff"
Tommy dialing the "embassy" on his cell phone to find out the fine for bringing a beer into the metro for the cop harrassing Greg

Worst Advancement in Public Defecation
Pay toilets

Worst Hostel Feature
GPS by Russian named Nastia... ummm... have you actually BEEN to Moscow?

Best Hostel Feature
Hot Shower with Rain showerhead in Langholmen Prison Hostel in Stockholm... despite threat of cornholing left from prison days

Best Sight
Public breast feeding in Stockholm museum... no I am kidding... its either Russian women or possibly Peterhof in St. Pete... nope... its the breast feeding

Best Overcharging Opportunity
St. Basils... Americans... they will pay for anything eh comrad?

Best Representation of American Abroad
Racist a-hole from Warner-Robbins, GA who was thrilled there were no people of color in Russia

Best Weather Day
Tallinn, day two... walking tour and gorgeous sun and less chafing

Worst Delays
Gregs inability to hold it past the end of the meal

Best Song
Winds of Change... the Scorpions as sung by Tommy... constantly

Best Photo Ops
Stockholm (with or without the Swedish ladies)

Best Use of Dill
Take your pick of any restaurant in Russia... apparently dill is worshipped like a God here

Worst Parking Trend
Anywhere they want

Best Street Meat
(open for debate) but Brian says Teremok blinys in St. Pete

Worst Abuse of Language
Kirik en de Kok (you can imagine where Jen took this one)

Second Worst Abuse of Language
Stores all over Russia open 24 YACA

Best Roommate Clearing
Gas (for B); toilet time (for D)

D and B


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