Tuesday, May 23, 2006

One Clove or Two?

I have to agree with Dave about coming back here to visit again. We took a tour bus outside the walled city and into the surrounding area a bit and much to my amazement I think it looks just as interesting as the Old Town area. Tallinn was one of the venues from the 1980 Moscow Olympics so they still had some of the buildings and dormitories from those events.

I also have to agree with Dave that we will never be close enough friends to offer each other a European greeting. I too saw the guys plant one on each other and I'm not so sure about Dave's assessment of them being just friends. I mean I know that European guys are ahead of the trends and are really stylish but these two accessorized a little too well for them to be playing on my team.

It's our last night in Tallinn and I have to say this has been the highlight of the trip for me so far followed by St. Petersburg and then Moscow. At this rate Stockholm is going to be off the charts.

Dave picked the restaurant for dinner tonight and he chose one that is known for cooking with garlic. I don't think he really thought this choice through because if he truly has ideas of going to the Striptiis show tonight I don't think he'll be getting his money's worth. I mean he normally wonders why the women at the clubs avoid him and I usually don't have a good answer for him. This time I will.

Speaking of dinners, I think I'm going to have a hard time adjusting back to my normal eating habits. Not sure if it's just the fact that we are traveling or that it stays light out until around midnight but we have been eating dinner later and later. Last night Dave and I ate dinner around 11pm and the place was packed with others eating as well. At home I'm usually in bed by that time. Here I'm ordering an after dinner coffee.

Well, that's about all for now. We'll check in again from Stockholm, unless we do something really stupid tonight that must be chronicled before we leave.



At Tuesday, May 23, 2006 2:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh B?
You just admitted to ordering "an after dinner coffee." Did it come with a chocolate swizel stick and a sprig of sssspearmint? Dave, I hope you realize that the international rules of etiquette still apply at strip joints all over the world - and that is, always negotiate up front how many dances and/or how many songs before they start. I've heard that you should ask for the "BOBGOGYP" deal (Buy One Babushka, Get One Gorky Your Porky). Let me know how it works out for you.

At Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:29:00 PM, Blogger VizWiz said...

Ok, I've read all of the tales and I think I may have wet my pants when you told the story of the guy doing the "Swam Lake." So classic.

However, I must agree with Geoff, you guys seems to be straying to the other team and enjoying watching men kiss a bit too much. You do know that there is an artificial time limit to how long you can stare, right? All the talk of the lattes is a bit frightening. Thank God Brian rooms with Jared in Myrtle Beach!

B, don't come back with the bird flu this time.



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