Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Words Cannot Describe

Okay, since my faithful readers are nagging for a new blog, here goes.

Yesterday and today have been incredible. I have seen and done things I never thought I would. In the past two days, I´ve swam within feet (4 or so) of a manta ray. For those of you not up on your marine biology, thats about 7 of me side by side... with a tail. They are so graceful, it really us unbelievable. One swam over me today and blocked out the light, unreal.

Today I played with sea lions. I don´t mean a game of catch, I mean that they swam around me in circles so I did the same, they would flip and I would flip, we played chicken... it was something I will remember for a lifetime. I was within inches of them. At one point, it was just one and me, but at another, there were six or seven darting in and of the rocks.

I saw probably 30 white tip sharks, mostly all in a series of caves just hanging out but I got within a few feet of them. We missed the hammerheads but tomorrow is another chance.

We swam along in a school of probably 200 barricuda as though we were just another fish. There are fish everywhere.

I did see a turtle from a distance and was a few feet from some penguins but didn´t get into the water in time to swim with them. I have seen blue footed boobies, and frigate birds with their red chests all inflated. Unreal.

This blog is boring because there is no way telling you about this is going to compare with what I´ve seen and done yesterday and today.

I will say this... some scuba equipment is different around the world and for the first time, I got some I´m not familiar with. It caused a dive to be cut short yesterday when I pressed the inflate button instead of deflate and couldn´t stop my ascent. I was a little worried about the bends, especially since I had a massive headache, but turns out it was just a headache. My divemaster thought I was an idiot but one of the guys on the boat said he almost did the same thing and was constantly confused. Its too bad tomorrow is with a different dive boat, I´ve met several really nice people diving and would have loved to have had another day with them. I am going to dinner momentarily with a few of them.

Fanta... check
Carbonara ... check

Sadly, I´m not really hungry though. I think I´m just beat from the full day on the boats. I can´t understand why anyone would do a live aboard here, it is just not necessary.

Anyway, there you have it. One freakin´amazing place and an experience that is going to live on forever. The jungle tour is set for this weekend and I´ll be heading into the middle of no... where...

Hope all is well back home.



At Thursday, May 24, 2007 3:27:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First time reader but long time listener. Glad to hear the trip is everything and more. Tough not being able to go on a trip this year, so I'm hanging on every word.



At Friday, May 25, 2007 4:54:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry it's taken me so long to check in Dave. There were rampid rumors that your blog had been eaten by a rabid dog with altitude sickness. If you have a chance, I need you to scout out a good location for our second Lava Salon location. It seems fitting. Hope your safe. G


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