Saturday, May 26, 2007

Back to Mainland Ecuador

Okay, since my public not only demands an entry but totally new subject matter, here we go. I have managed to accumulate a few things to share.

The Santa Cruz police force once had a radar gun, they used it to keep the ubiquitous white pick'up trucks (aka taxis) from speeding through the island. Well, the gun broke. Rather than fix it, they approached the problem with a standard latin american ass to elbow approach. They hired 6 new policemen. They stationed two at each end of the island and one in the middle. When leaving one end of the island, the driver is issued a time stamped ticket. When he reaches the middle point, he checks it with the 2 policemen there. If he got to that point in under a certain amount of time, they fine him $6. Same when he gets to the other end of the island. Seems to me that just fixing the radar gun would have worked out a little cheaper. I found out that story from some locals.

Brian, you will be happy to know, I actually met a German I like. Yep. He had a sense of humor and seemed to get sarcasm (which may have been an act but I´ll let it go). The guy had 2600 dives (he organizes German diving vacations abroad... sucky job huh... well... the german part) and Galapagos is his favorite spot and he has been virtually everywhere. I had dinner with him, a british girl, and three odler Americans (two of which live on a yacht traveling the coast and the other was from Austin). Interesting conversation from a fairly well'traveled crew.

I gave the driver today the location of my hostel and was corrected for my spanish. I said "amazonas y pinto... amazonas inn"... his correction "no, no, no pinto y amazonas... amazonas inn"... I for one am glad we got that cleared up, I didn´t want to have a culturally offensive gaffe.

The "airport" in Galapagos is a shed. Literally. It is totally open across, save a few "offices". It is by far the simplest airport I have been in. When you can bypass security by walking around the shed, I question its security but I can´t imaging this is a terrorist aim.

I am now back in Quito and already feeling the altitude again. I was told that chocolate helps. That may not be true but its a nice lie. I´m thinking of telling future travelers that sex and chocolate will help. Its the least I could do. Maybe even better, Sexual Chocolate (give it up for sexual chocolate).

Just had dinner with a british couple that have been traveling together for nine months now. I want to find an american woman willing to do that. Hell, I would be fine with just finding an american woman willing to do that for two weeks. Okay, okay, we all know I would be happy enough just finding a woman (american or no). I met several couples this week that travel together at all ages (late 20s, 40s, 60s) and it gives me hope that I can find that.

I am going back to the hostel and will run the prostitute gauntlet to get there. In the morning I am on a quest to find a lavanderia open on a holiday AND a sunday. Wish me luck, otherwise, pray for my companions in the jungle.

via con dios (dude)



At Sunday, May 27, 2007 5:58:00 PM, Blogger Lava Salon said...

Lava Rocks Salon is actually pretty brilliant! That could seriously be my second salon four or five years down the road when I'm ready to take it to the next level. It could be completely geared towards a rock and roll style. They actually kind of already did that hear with an Aveda Salon but I don't imagine it'll be here in 4 years. Sounds like it's a pretty cool trip. I like the sound of travelling for nine months with Noel. I can't imagine having enough money to be able to do that but I'll keep working on it. Talk to you when you get back. Hef-ay (that's Geoff in mexi-rican)


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